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How to Start Kung Fu and Shaolin Kung Fu Training From Home

Shaolin Kung Fu training is an ancient Chinese martial art, and can be a very rewarding practice. Many people get started by attending a school, or finding an instructor. However, if you do not have the budget for lessons, or have too many commitments for martial arts classes to fit into your schedule, you can still practice kung fu in your own home. Not sure where to begin? Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Select and clean out an area of your home. Training in kung fu requires a good deal of jumping, kicking, and punching in all directions. For your safety and the safety of your valuables, find an area of your home that can double as your dojo. Clean out at least a ten feet by ten feet area for your practice.

2. Invest in a punching bag. In order to work on form, as well as increase your strength and stamina, purchase a punching bag. They help to create resistance when practicing moves as well. You can find punching bags that can be hung from the ceiling, or free standing bags from your local sporting goods store.

3. Find instruction that works for you. Even the most driven individual needs some lessons and some direction in their shaolin kung fu training. YouTube is a great place to find beginner how-to videos, or check out a few training websites. They will show you how to perform moves that range from basic to advanced. You can use these resources at your own pace.

4. Decide what you want to master first. Kung fu is an expansive practice, and learning its intricacies takes many years. Choose what you want to focus on to help yourself get started. After you learn basic stances, identify if you want to master jumping, kicking, or punching first.

5. Work on your balance and flexibility. Training in kung fu, much like any other sport, requires you to enhance your flexibility and balance. A good way to do this is to practice yoga along with whatever aspect of kung fu you decide to focus on first. Every time you do yoga or kung fu training, be sure to stretch. This helps increase flexibility and prevents injury.

Of course, these tips are the very beginning of one’s journey into kung fu. To learn even more on how to get started, check out training videos, websites, and more!